Router Recreater
(too old to reply)
2004-01-26 18:11:34 UTC
Just picked this unit up and was wondering if any one out there has any
information about it. It is a Craftsman router recreater. Model #113.251890
My hobby is restoring antique radios and i was wonderingif this could be used
to make knobs. Also would any one have the instruction manual for it part
Sears.com is no help at all.
Thank you
Nail Bender
2004-01-26 20:19:49 UTC

I checked out the Sears site, hoping you had done what I have done
before - overlook the owners manual listed in the parts list. The owners
manual is part #76005 and costs $7.49.

Post by Tubebrain
Just picked this unit up and was wondering if any one out there has any
information about it. It is a Craftsman router recreater. Model #113.251890
My hobby is restoring antique radios and i was wonderingif this could be used
to make knobs. Also would any one have the instruction manual for it part
Sears.com is no help at all.
Thank you
Dave W
2004-01-26 20:35:02 UTC
If I were you, I would have a look at the manual to see if you want to keep
it. The one that came with my router was written by the lawyers; it says
almost nothing about using the router.
Post by Nail Bender
I checked out the Sears site, hoping you had done what I have done
before - overlook the owners manual listed in the parts list. The owners
manual is part #76005 and costs $7.49.
Post by Tubebrain
Just picked this unit up and was wondering if any one out there has any
information about it. It is a Craftsman router recreater. Model
Post by Tubebrain
My hobby is restoring antique radios and i was wonderingif this could be
Post by Tubebrain
to make knobs. Also would any one have the instruction manual for it part
Sears.com is no help at all.
Thank you
2004-01-27 00:44:48 UTC
Did go to there web site (Sears). I did see the manual but the only problem is
that they only allow me a search for parts or manuals within like 60 miles of
my home and it is not available. They do not allow me to search nation wide. Do
you know any thing about this unit and is it worth the effort?Like a said in my
first post basicily I would like to make radio knobs with it.Bottom line is
this thing a piece of junk or what?
Thanks for any help
2004-01-28 21:45:23 UTC
Someone must think they're useful...they're hot items on eBay.
Joe kb8qlr
Be sure to check-out our webpages...
New pictures & links being added frequently.
Post by Tubebrain
Did go to there web site (Sears). I did see the manual but the only problem is
that they only allow me a search for parts or manuals within like 60 miles of
my home and it is not available. They do not allow me to search nation wide. Do
you know any thing about this unit and is it worth the effort?Like a said in my
first post basicily I would like to make radio knobs with it.Bottom line is
this thing a piece of junk or what?
Thanks for any help
JC Wood
2024-09-18 19:00:04 UTC
I don't know how old this thread is, but I have one of these and downloaded the Sears manual for it. But that was a few years ago so I don't remember the site. However a number of sites offering the manual show up when you search for the Router Recreator. You may have a problem with small items like knots as it would be quite hard to mount and trace them, but thats just from looking at it. I have not tried small stuff
For full context, visit https://www.homeownershub.com/woodworking/router-recreater-202290-.htm
Just Another Joe
2024-09-19 08:42:09 UTC
On Sep 18, 2024, JC Wood wrote
Post by JC Wood
I don't know how old this thread is, but I have one of these and downloaded
the Sears manual for it. But that was a few years ago so I don't remember the
site. However a number of sites offering the manual show up when you search
for the Router Recreator. You may have a problem with small items like knots
as it would be quite hard to mount and trace them, but thats just from
looking at it. I have not tried small stuff.
According to the Homeownesrhub.com
website the original post requesting this info was posted 20 years ago!!!

